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About Us

Affordable Treatment with Outstanding Results....

Established in 2005, we have 10 treatment centres who have been helping clients lead better lives from our centres based in Dorset to Inverness in Scotland. Our unique approach and specialist treatment programs can achieve excellent results for those suffering with most Mental & Physical health conditions, much quicker and at a fraction of the cost of other treatment options as our goal is to bring successful treatment to as many people as possible.

It is important you get essential treatment for your condition, if you have already been to see your GP, tried counselling or medications and still feel, depressed, anxious, fatigued, traumatised etc then we can help.

Revive Mind & Body
Our studies have shown those suffering with the most common mental & physical health problems make vast improvements when the areas of Imbalance within the 20 main systems of the body are corrected, they think and feel so much better as per the client feedback*. These areas require ‘specialist treatment’ to help correct them, in the same way a broken leg requires treatment to ‘reset the bone’ you wouldn’t simply ‘talk about’ fixing your broken leg hence why you need specialist treatment to help fix the problems within the body which are the cause of your poor mental and/or physical health problems.

Successful Treatment
Our unique approach and advanced treatment programs can help to correct the ‘areas of imbalance’ using science and technology to ‘re-balance’ the mind & body with industry leading results. Each treatment takes just 2 to 4 hours with most people seeing an improvement in their mental and/or physical health over the following three to four weeks.

  • Safe Non Invasive Treatment
  • No Medication Required
  • No Counseling Required
  • No Preparation Required
  • No Side-Effects
  • Quick Results*
  • Feel Better

We see many clients that are suffering from various mental and physical health problems. They can feel miserable, stuck, tired, and have lost hope of being able to sort their problems out. Being ‘stuck’ with a certain set of emotions can make you feel sad, angry, fearful etc caused by worrying about the past or being scared for the future which in turn saps your confidence and robs you of the opportunity to change your life and live a happy, fulfilling life.

Chemical Imbalance in the Brain Myth
Popular theories included a ‘chemical imbalance in the brain’ which was promoted for decades but thoroughly discredited as to know which chemicals are imbalanced one would have to do a biopsy at that moment in time which isn’t very feasible or credible. Psychiatric meds have often been prescribed to patients on the basis that they cure a ‘chemical imbalance’. However, no chemical imbalances have been proven to exist in relation to any mental health disorder. There is also no method available to test for the presence or absence of these chemical imbalances, it’s complete nonsense.

Little evidence that chemical imbalance causes depression, UCL scientists find, Researchers question use of antidepressants, prescribed to one in six UK adults.

However the body does have a areas of Imbalance which are the root cause of these conditions and by helping to correct these within the body’s main systems, you then get an improvement in the condition as per our client feedback*.

More and more researchers are discovering that problems within our body are the root cause of many illnesses, including mental illness and many chronic health conditions.

Dr William Matteson, Ph.D. states ‘The brain is a component of the body, it interacts with every organ, system, and tissue. When the body is not working properly, it impacts the mind. Therefore, a mind that is not working properly is often a sign of malfunctions (Dysregulation) within the body’.

Clinicians who have researched mental health have looked at the underlying causes and found certain conditions such as Anxiety, Stress or Depression develop due to a ‘Dysregulated Nervous System’. Trauma is also often accompanied by these symptoms because it leaves survivors with a reduced capacity to cope with stressful situations or even everyday life.

The Science
The body (muscle, tissue, bones, cells etc) contains areas of Imbalance including disease, physical, emotional and psychological conditions which have their own unique wavelengths and respond to various ‘beneficial input patterns’ (Hz/kHz) designed to help and improve physical and mental health. 

The body responds to frequency (kHz) in the same way as it responds to chemistry (medication) in that they are both capable of creating change. The body absorbs the ‘beneficial input frequencies’ to re-balance the body and aid quicker recovery.

Effective treatment helps you to break this deadlock and helps to improve and restore your mental health. Most clients had already tried counselling or medications to improve their mental health but found they had little to no impact as they couldn’t correct their internal areas of imbalance but our treatment can.

Don't Struggle Anymore, We Can Help, Enquire Now...

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