Each treatment centre uses the exact same treatment equipment and programs so there is no treatment variable. Our Comprehensive treatment process helps to correct the underlying areas of Imbalance within the body, hence why we achieve such great results. We recommend an initial block treatment of just 4 hours to begin with, you can then assess the level of improvement over the next 3 to 4 weeks and decide if any further treatment is required?
Easy to Do, Excellent Results…
Safe, Quick, Easy to Do Treatment That Takes just 2 or 4 Hours and is Completely Painless and Harmless.
Scan For Imbalances
In a similar way to how an iWatch can measure your heart rate, our equipment can scan and measure the 20 main areas where ‘imbalances’ can occur. The only connection required is via two wristbands you simply sit back and relax while we scan the body for areas of imbalance which cause/underpin your Mental & Physical Health problems…
Apply up to 3 Treatment Program(s)
We then run specific treatment programs to help ‘fine tune’ the Biofield for your condition(s). We can treat up to 3 conditions in one 4 hour treatment session for:
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Chronic Fatigue & Viral Fatigue
Borderline Personality Disorder
Migraines (Manchester only)
which leads to better mental & physical health as per the client results*.
We recommend you try at least one treatment session and assess from there, some clients experience an immediate improvement while for others it’s more gradual over the next 3 to 4 weeks. You can then assess how the treatment has helped and if any further treatment is required.
Clients sit back and relax, they are connected to our equipment via two wristbands as shown, the equipment interacts with the body to correct the underlying areas of Imbalance and deliver our treatment programs for each condition. Treatment is Safe, Painless and Very Effective.

‘Hi, I’m Michelle, I’ve had the treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder in 2017 and my son has had the treatment for A.D.H.D, please read our feedback’.
‘I had been suffering with SAD for many years, it got so bad 2 years ago that I thought if I had another bad winter I couldn’t carry on and there was no point been alive. I would go to work tired, come home tired and whenever I went to see family or friends I would fall asleep while there, my life was not worth living as the winter months made me feel down, depressed, tired, fatigued and miserable. I had tried the all the useless therapies for SAD and nothing worked, then I found the centre online and I thought ‘finally someone has an actual treatment for SAD’. I had my treatment in October 2017 when the dark nights were drawing in and my SAD was starting to get me down again. The next day I woke to feel like I had energy and actually felt good which wasn’t my usual morning feelings. Over the next few days, weeks and winter months I had no SAD symptoms whatsoever! I just felt normal and myself again no longer tired or depressed, this treatment saved my life! I had no further symptoms of SAD’* Michelle p.s. my son has also done the ADHD treatment and the results have been the same, just wow!*.
‘I sat there wired up to a machine and thought what a load of rubbish – I didn’t even believe 1% that it would do anything and I had completely wasted my money. However, over the following weeks I came to realise I was calmer, even though my stressful lifestyle hadn’t changed. Then people also started commenting on how much calmer I seemed. It still seems impossible to me how this works but I know it does and I’m really glad I found this therapy’ Bobby